Tips for Addressing Caregiving-Related Anxiety

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Taking on the role of family caregiver brings about many emotions, some positive and some negative. When the role becomes overwhelming, a caregiver’s anxiety levels may increase, putting his or her health in jeopardy. Family caregivers should use the following tips to manage caregiving-related anxiety, boost their health, and prevent caregiver burnout.


Exercise More

Exercising is a great way to boost emotional health and manage anxiety properly. Devote at least a few days each week to working out at the gym or participating in another type of physical activity. Exercise immediately boosts endorphins in the body, combating levels of stress and other hormones that cause panic attacks and anxiety. 

If you’re concerned about ensuring your loved one’s safety while you’re getting some exercise, consider hiring a professional caregiver. Home care Westminster experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.


Get Plenty of Rest

It’s common for seniors, especially those living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, to get their days and nights confused. If your loved one wakes you up at odd hours, you may have difficulty sleeping during the night, causing you to be emotionally and physically drained during the day. 

To ensure you get the rest you need, try to get your loved one on a normal bedtime schedule by developing a routine that helps him or her sleep during the night. Turn off mobile devices, televisions, lights, and other background distractions. The objective is for your loved one’s brain to associate the routine with bedtime, helping him or her fall asleep.

Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted Westminster home care service provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Assisting Hands Home Care is here to help.


Avoid Caffeine & Alcohol Consumption

Many family caregivers turn to coffee for energy during the day and drink alcohol to manage negative emotions. However, the chemicals in these beverages could have negative effects on emotional health, such as depression. 

It’s important to find positive ways to boost your metabolism, such as staying social, getting adequate sleep, and learning how to say no when you don’t feel like taking on more work. When it pertains to the emotional side of caregiving, learn how to see the positive in the situation. If your loved one is diagnosed with a chronic condition, don’t stress about the outcome and turn to alcohol. Instead, research ways to alleviate the symptoms to boost your loved one’s mood and lower your anxiety levels.


Talk to a Mentor

Listening to music, doing yoga, going for a walk in the park, and participating in social activities are all great ways to manage anxiety, but none of these things compare to having a person to lean on during difficult times. A mentor can be someone in your family, a person you meet at a caregiver group, or a professional therapist. 

Having someone to talk to when caregiving becomes overwhelming can alleviate stress, lower the risk of depression, and calm your body. You don’t have to hide your true feelings from a mentor. You can speak without fearing the mentor will discuss your conversations with others, which is the type of outlet family caregivers need to protect their own health and avoid burnout. 

Family caregivers need to care for their own wellbeing. If you’re caring for an aging loved one and are feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional caregiver to provide respite care. Westminster families who want to prevent burnout can turn to Assisting Hands Home Care. One of our professional caregivers can assist your loved one at home while you take a nap, go to work, run errands, or go on vacation. To learn more about our premier in-home care plans, call us today.